Mineral Magic

Nature doesn’t work in straight lines – or does it ?
Look at the astonishing difference here of turf that has been treated with Mineral Magic versus turf that hasn’t.

The turf that was treated and is obviously flourishing also had the handicap that when it was laid, there was a major pump malfunction, and the water was not able to be kept up to it as normally required for new turf. In addition, at the time this photo was taken, no additional fertiliser had been applied.

Under those adverse conditions, you can clearly see that the old untreated established turf struggled yet the new turf that had received a baptism of fire – cam through with the goods.

It’s not the first project that the City of Gosnells have utilised Mineral Magic and had excellent results. The council’s signature Pioneer Park is another great example down on the river that struggled to hold grass covered in the heavily shaded and high traffic areas.

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